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Nola Nola felt called to come work with kids like us while at college. These clips
were recorded in 2006. She was, is and will always be my hero.

1 minute Sacredness of each kid’s private dresser drawer
2 minutes Bath time, Bible stories, Bedtime
1 minute Gigi had class
1 minute How did you do it Nola?
4 minutes All four clips in one


Marv was Robby’s caseworker during his turbulent teenage years. He
taught Robby to drive on his Plymouth with a push button transmission. I
appreciate all his efforts for me and so many other kids like us.


3 minutes ”Gigi (Hazel) was elegant, your mother chaotic, Pauline difficult

Helen Helen was secretary for Robby’s entire stay. Her foster father was Chaplin at Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago, IL when mother walked in that January 1958. He arranged for the Covenant Children’s Home to take Robby until things could be sorted out.
MP3 3 minutes “I typed these notes, farm life, orphanage food”


Dapala was the Ngbaka tribesman who became my friend as shared in the chapter "Into Africa". I thought he would have died due to jungle disease and 2 wars but in 2008, while visiting that region of the Congo, Keith Gustafson asked if per chance anyone knew Dapala. The word went out and Dapala was found.

This clip is in the language known as Lingala. A simple translation reads: "Many thanks to be able to see the book that you wrote. It made me think of the days when I was with you. I am very happy about that. And I am hopeful that God who spoke inside of you when you were here will continue to be with you and will protect you every day of your life. May He be with you."

MP31 minute “Dapala remembers Rob”

Castaway Kid Copyright © 2007 by r.b. mitchell | All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
A Focus on the Family ® book published by Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
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Castaway Kid by r.b. mitchell